
Fixing stringing on Prusa Mini

My 3D printer, Prusa Mini, needed configuration for the nozzle temperature, retraction length, and z-height. Otherwise, the printed material gets too stringy like the second picture on embedded link below.

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I made a short experiment for checking parameters.

Case Nozzle Temperature Retraction length z height Memo
1 200 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm
2 190 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm
3 180 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm
4 180 ℃ 1.6mm -0.875mm Adopted!
5 180 ℃ 1.6mm -0.825mm

Test model


STL File: stringy_test_h12.stl


Prusa configuration points

On Prusa slicer:

  • Nozzle temperature:

    • Filament Settings > Filament > Temperature > Nozzle: Other layers ../../../../images/prusa/PrusaSlicer_filamentsettings.jpg
  • Retraction length:

    • Printer Settings > Retraction > Length ../../../../images/prusa/PrusaSlicer_printersettings_extruder.jpg
  • Z height:

    • Manually tweaking the gear on the Prusa Mini

Experiment results


From a forum | Stringing! how to fix that?, lower temperature (200℃ than 215℃) solved it. As the default setting was 210℃, I differ the nozzle temperature except the first layers in 200℃, 190℃, and 180℃


Nozzle temperature > other layers:

Case Nozzle Temperature Retraction length z height Memo
1 200 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm
2 190 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm
3 180 ℃ 3.2mm -0.825mm

Case 1-1: 200 ℃ (front)


Case 1-2: 200 ℃ (left)


Case 2-1: 190 ℃ (front)


Case 2-2: 190 ℃ (left)


Case 3-1: 180 ℃ (front)


Case 3-2: 180 ℃ (left)


I tried 3 different temperatures. However, the outcomes did not show significant difference. It can be said lower temperature would be better in terms of energetic efficiency?

Retraction length

Next, I tried to check the length of retraction. All above experiments are configured as retraction length: 3.2mm, I changed it into 1.6mm.

Printer Settings > Retraction > Length


Case 5-1: Retraction length 1.6mm (front)


Case 5-2: Retraction length 1.6mm (left)


The stringing are solved significantly by changing retraction length while some tiny string still remains.

z-axis height

I checked the extruder nozzle might physically touch to the filament and need calibration. All above experiments are based on z-height: -0.825mm and I changed it into -0.875mm


Case 4-1 : z-height -0.875mm (front)


Case 4-2 : z-height -0.875mm (left)


Change in the z-axis height seems to improve the print quality slightly.

To sum up, my final calibration for the printer with the filament is:

Case Nozzle Temperature Retraction length z height Memo
4 180 ℃ 1.6mm -0.875mm Adopted!


(*1) The difference between Prusa and Prusa Mini+ (ref: Original Prusa MINI to MINI+ upgrade kit): Prusa Mini+ including:

  • a Y bracket, which is easier on the assembly process for Prusa
  • a Super PINDA sensor, which is a temperature-independent sensor that doesn’t require the use of a thermistor.
