For building some simple frontend apps with React, typescript worth understanding especially for its type strictness and inference. Below code is just a memo for my private reference.
Create template project Pre-requisite Install node.js Install VSCode Add extensions for VSCode ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/R (Compliment function for react) Prettier (Code formatter) Configure prettier VSCode > settings > (type “save”) > check “editor: format on save” Install template 1 npx create-react-app .
This article is record note for Hands-on dplyr tutorial.
I updated source code provided as a lecture materials of Gatech MGT6203 based on youtube instruction Hands-on dplyr tutorial for faster data manipulation in R
Packages preparation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 suppressMessages(library(dplyr)) if (!require(hflights)) install.packages("hflights") suppressMessages(library(hflights)) # explore data data(hflights) head(hflights) #tbl_df for pretty printing flights <- tbl_df(hflights) filter verb filter rows by value
Note Without doing below, you may see a GUI menu on Colab;
Runtime > Change runtime type, then change the type of runtime into R.
I’m not sure what enables this settings because some notebooks seem not have options for changing the type of runtime. If you do not see the options, below procedure would be an alternative. Option1. Create notebook with R language from URL endpoint Below link enables blank noteboook with default kernel language R.